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Dr Anne Marie Mahon

Dr Anne Marie Mahon

Describe what your job role in VivaGreen?

I carry out research before we get going on product development which informs what we want to achieve in terms of eco-standards and efficacy.  I am also engaged heavily in the formulation of the products, which means time in the lab testing. When we have our formulations finalised, I am mostly liaising with suppliers and coordinating with the manufacturing team to get into production.  I’m constantly looking for ways of developing and improving our existing products to improve the customer experience

 Tell us a bit about yourself?

I’m an ecologist and environmental scientist with a passion to help reduce the human impact on our natural world. Inspired by the loss of biodiversity in coastal habitats, evident during her years as a marine biologist, I leverage from my strong research background and knowledge of habitats to share her experience ideas through community engagement by facilitating workshops and projects.

Aside from my research background, I have been an invited speaker at numerous events a broad range of events pertaining to our relationship to plastics and ways of driving bottom-up consumer-driven change in our everyday lives. I’ve been recently nominated as a finalist in the Ten Outstanding Young Person awards in the moral and environmental leadership category Junior Chamber International (JCI).

What are your Hobbies?

Growing my own food, looking after my hens, hillwalking, camping, and spending time with My friends and Family

Favourite VivaGreen Product and why?

I really like some in development currently.  Having worked on the development of Moss-Off chemical Free, I am very fond of its eco-friendliness with such neutral ingredients working on a physical barrier approach rather than chemical action.  It’s very tough on Moss but otherwise, it’s gentle to the environment and pets.  Then again, I absolutely love the Tru Eco all-purpose cleaner because it works so week and has very good eco-credentials.

 What is your pet hate?

Cling-film; totally unrecyclable and totally unnecessary!

Who is someone you admire, and why?

There are so many, but I’ll have to say a woman in science I’d have to say Hedy Lemar.  She had an amazing mind and invented frequency hopping among other things which at the time she wasn’t given credit for.  This was because she was mostly known for beauty and acting career, but this wasn’t her true passion; it was the bread and butter. I admire her for fulfilling her potential as an inventor, laughing in the face of social norms at the time, and showing you can behave great minds, even work in a male-dominated environment while not having to hide your femininity.